Examining the Priorities of the Comic Book Marketeer

The girls are working even harder than ever at getting back to school. You may be wrestling with this, or completing your next assignment, your comic book project, or
your next deadline. For me, I’m examining the priorities of this business.

I don’t think I’m providing as much value as I possibly can–first to my family, second to the comic community, third to the world in need of our services, fourth to my time and financial freedom. All of this has me very bothered.

When you outline your priorities, how do you go about it? Does it look like this for you?

Boss: I need those Green Lantern pages now.
You: What about the Flash pages I’m working on?
Boss: I need ’em both. Let’s hustle.
You: ???

The problem with priorities is that only one thing can be top priority.
I used to be a “hurry up and wait guy”. I like to get my part of the project done, so I can go on to other projects, while some other creator finishes the job. And then the project sits on an editor’s desk for a month and half before printing. Then the books sit in warehouses for years before being sold. But my part is done and perhaps I will get paid?

With entrepreneurship comes a little added responsibility. When I’m putting my priorities out, it is not so much tasks to do. It is who to connect with. This should be your top priority if you are producing, editing, or marketing any part of a comic book. Your connection with people will help you get paid.

Everyone has something to sell. Why should anyone buy your comic book or service? Does anyone remember what a comic book is greater at than any other medium? In my opinion, it is communication. The words and pictures in a form that can be digested by the reader at his/her reading comprehension. The better job you communicate with your reader the better job they will  engage with the characters, the artwork, and the entire creative team.

When you connect with your audience, it is a great feeling. Marketing comics is about  that spark of connection the comic book novel creators make with your reader.

Priority One: Discover your Reader

Priority Two: Create Engaging, Fun Marketing Materials for that Reader

Priority Three: If Successfully Sold, Make the Product for the Reader

Priortiy Four: Re-examine Priorities.

The one thing you should NEVER DO: Invest time and energy into something that will not give you the results of the end goals you are looking for. In other words, say NO to the things you don’t really want now, so you can say YES to the things you really want later on.