An Illustrative Study to Turn Your Comic Book Dreams to Reality

Comic book reality starts with dreams. Just like the how technology now exists based on concepts that dreamers put into their Star Trek episodes. I want to open up some dream space for you today. Because if you don’t have big dreams, there’s no reason to move you forward in reality. You want to strive to make those dreams come alive.

Hi  everybody. Nice to see you. Before we get to the dream space, I want to say THANK YOU for all the comments I’ve received over the past few months both on the blog and from my email newsletters. It is nice to know you are getting some value from me. I can’t express my gratitude enough. Well, it’s about time I return the favor with more valuable content so you can take with you to make your dreams of comic book entrepreneurship a reality.

I’ve been on some intense learning and powerful education rides in the last several weeks. All I can say is WOW. I wish you could have been with me. As you may have noticed, the posts have not been very forth coming. When that happens. Rest assured–there is future things coming! 😉

Literally my head has been exploding for the past few weeks absorbing an incredible amount of information and putting it into action. Unfortunately, with the kids now back in school, time is still slipping away everyday. I’ve been registering many, many, many ideas in my idea folder, and I am going to be providing you with some very useful insights this entire month.

As per my feelings as of late, I feel like I could add a lot more value to your life than I have been. I want to start doing that more now than ever. Quite honestly, I’ve been getting some great feedback from a lot of people who subscribe to my email list. (I tend to reserve the bulk of my high quality teachings to those people because I can tell we are tracking on a level that otherwise, may not be known.) The internet is a highly diversified place and when I know I have the highest quality of people on my list, I will leading us places you will only be able to dream of.

Here’s some things on my dream list:

1. Add an insane amount of value to your life so we can create a movement that will change the way comics are perceived around the U.S. and the world. By doing this will achieve #2…

2. Make my students an insane amount of money from their comic book projects so they can afford to live their dream of making comics. I want you to turn on the income sources all around you to make your dreams a reality.

If I can do these things, I will have accomplished the goals for this blog.

My personal goals are a little more daunting– and superficial. I somehow convinced myself that getting money would be easy. And if I had not seen how easy it was with my own eyes, I would not have believed it. However, what is easy for one person may not be easy for another. The trick is how to turn the skills, qualities, and attention of one man’s character into your own. One will have to take all the good things that man possesses. Imitate. Mock. Copy. Visualize. Absorb. One will also have to leave the bad things that man possesses. How will you know which is good to take and which is bad to leave until it may be too late?

One will also have to have one’s own goodness come along side the other’s good and have one’s own badness remain stifled at the gates as he would have the other’s bad reside with him. It is sometimes harder to overcome one’s own grief–more so than it is to forgive the trespasses of others. But I digress.

I wanted to find out what it would look like if I entirely changed my station in life. I will share this with you in hopes of either you becoming immensely motivated, or in hopes of considering myself an absolute loon. (The difference from genius to madmen is all in the marketing, I suppose.)

I wondered in my head what it would look like to make $5 million in 5 years. Any old bloke would see that if you could very easily attain $1 million per year this would accomplish the goal. But I’m not ordinary, and I imagine this scenario will never work, because systems seldom remain unchanging over time. They either increase or decrease. This is why I came up with the following plan:

July 4th 2012 – $100,000

July 4th 2013 – $1,000,000

July 4th 2014 – $5,000,000

July 4th 2015 – $15,000,000

July 4th 2016 – $30,000,000

This looks a little more accurate of a healthy income curve type. It may not all be profit. I am looking at generating these numbers as income from business. It may not all be my business, hopefully, my students will be able to achieve the same amount or more than me. In any case, I’ll be adding great content on this blog for you to achieve your dreams of making profitable comics. And I will be from time to time have the opportunity to chronicle my successes and failure with you, so you will be hopefully learn some of the do’s and don’ts from my careless struggles. It should be an interesting experiment to say the least.

Our first small goal is Sept 23rd — my birthday. I want to give you a gift. I want you to sign up for my email newsletter to receive it. I cannot tell you the amount of value you will get from it. Suffice to say, if you want to make it big in this industry, you had better be on the newsletter. If there is anything specific you want as a birthday gift that I will give you on my birthday, write your birthday request down below in the comments section. Write your dream, gift, advice request, book… What do you want? Nothing too big or too small.

If you could get anything out of life you want, what would it be? Santa’s open for business.

Then sign up for the newsletter at the top right of my blog. Are your dreams too personal to share with the public on a blog? Perhaps. Go superficial, then. Pretend you’re a kid in the candy store. You have all the treats laid out before you. You could take it all, but that would be overload. You are going to have to concentrate. Think deeply. What’s going to be the most beneficial for your life RIGHT NOW? You look at your money, you look at the shelves, and you pass up all the things you don’t like the taste of. No one could pay you to eat some of those sweets. But then there’s the favorite candy that you always take, or maybe you will try this new treat that entices you. It’s a simple act of decision. What’s going to be the most beneficial for your life RIGHT NOW? 

You look around at everything once again. Everything you’ve seen since you entered the store is pulsating around you. You close your eyes. You kneel down and you go deep inside. Are you going through stress, do you need comfort? Are you at peace, do you need excitement? Are you in control, do you need more information, wanna lick a sample? Finally, it all becomes clear and you know what you would want more than anything else in this entire world RIGHT NOW.

Now you are back to reality. I’m the clerk. Put your selection in the comments box below.